Everything we do at Dutcher Crossing begins with the concept of family. Whether you are the oldest or newest member of the winery, everyone’s contribution is needed and integral to our success. From the vineyards to the tasting room, even though we all have walked different paths on our journey to Dutcher Crossing, we’ve settled into family life together.
Our belief is simple—to be a well-balanced, three-legged stool. Leg one is make the best wine we can staying true to the vineyard, vintage, and varietal. The second leg is the beautiful sense of place within our vineyards and winery. Finally, our third leg is hospitality. Whether you are a long-time visitor or new to the property, we want to welcome and treat everyone as we would our own mothers. With the balance of all three legs, we create an experience like none other in Sonoma County.
When Debra purchased Dutcher Crossing in 2007, fulfilling her lifelong desire to own a winery in Sonoma County, the operation came with 35 acres and made five wines. Over the ensuing years, Debra has nurtured a dedicated team of talented winemakers, tasting room employees, and support staff who all share her entrepreneurial spirit and passion for quality. Today,under Debra’s leadership and creative vision, Dutcher Crossing offers more than thirty wines from a variety of wine regions in Sonoma, Napa, and Mendocino counties and owns 75 acres of estate-designated vineyards. The vintage penny farthing bicycle on the label pays homage to Debra’s passion as a cyclist and collector and is also a tribute to her father, who encouraged her to pursue her dreams.
Enrique Reyes (Vineyard Manager) and Nick Briggs (Winemaker) upper left to right, have been tasked by Debra and Kerry as the next generation to carry on the vision that was started by the Stevens and Nevins families and our Founding Winemaker Kerry Damskey (bottom right). While they were all hand-picked due to the various talents they bring to the winery, the sum of their individual talents is what truly makes them shine. As Nick Briggs clearly states, “We are only as good as we are because of the people we surround ourselves with.” That is true of our growers, coworkers, and guests as we strive to honor our foundation and continue our path forward.
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